Monday 4 April 2011

Rainy Monday..

for those who work, it's a wet crappy day.   For the rest of us, who cares lol...Actually, the sun is trying to peek out..yayy!!!  On the weekend we went to the Horton Tree Farm Maple festival.  Something to do on a Saturday, the weather was nice and bright but a bit on the chilly side.  A good time was had by all.    I was taking refuge by the boiling kettles where it was toasty warm.  I found me a nice log and sat down to contemplate the forthcoming pancake breakfast, which was delicious!!

Pic is of maple sap dripping out of the tree - there is something about that phrase "slower than molasses"....heheh...the liquid was actually quite clear, looked like water.  We were offered samples to taste, tasted "woodsy"...

This is what the process looked like when it was done in the old days by the Indians - I think the guide said that heated stones were dropped into the syrup.  There is more to the process but unfortunately I missed it, I must have wandered off to warm myself by the kettles lol

I've been on FB browsing but after looking at pictures of familiar names and seeing a caption "Me and my mom" or sometimes, no caption at all, I gave up.  Actually I'm not sure which is the worst sin lol.  Then I am forced (so I'm nosy) to say, who is "me"....only time you're allowed to use this phrase..hehe.... and "who is Mom"...a tad frustrating - there should be a FB law...No caption, no picture!! lol wouldn't that be sweet?    well, off to have some lunch.  I have a busy week ahead with some Doc's appointments...groannnn.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, it would be nice if folks were identified by name.
