Saturday 9 April 2011

The Amerindian way by Annette Arjoon-Martins

This a reminder, sort of a bookmark, that on my next trip to Guyana, I would remember to get a copy of this.  I had the opportunity to meet Annette in 2008 when she visited Moruca.   Known as ‘The Mangrove Champion’ or even  ‘Turtle Lady’, she is a very engaging personality who is passionate about all things Amerindian.  Annette Arjoon-Martins is Chairman of the Mangrove Action Committee (MAC) and a nationally and internationally acclaimed conservationist; a successful commercial eco-tourism operator; a mother of two; and a qualified airplane pilot with a refreshingly down-to-earth personality.  In 2000, in keeping with her love for the animals and her obsession with their conservation, she established the Guyana Marine Turtle Conservation Society (GMTCS), subsequently hailed as the first and most successful conservation non-government organization (NGO) established in Guyana.  Her advise to young women is: “We can do anything that our male counterparts can do, and sometimes better. Don’t fall into that glass ceiling syndrome.”

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