Thursday 14 April 2011

Camping at Elora

no ballgame on today....sigh...

anyhow, I am reminding myself that it's almost camping time - I like to go at least once a year - this was taken at Elora, Ontario last summer.  It's a fun weekend when you sleep on the hard ground, get bitten by moquitoes, take a shower for a quarter or if you are a slow bather, perhaps 50 cents.  I am normally out of there with change to spare from my first quarter LOL.  Dinner is always something to look forward to as somehow, one's taste buds are sharpened to appreciate the finely seasoned steak on the little propane BBQ. 
At least under the dining tent, we get to sit and enjoy our meal free from bugs and flies...Dogs were welcomed at the camp site and you can see Mitchie sunbathing on his blanket lol.   Not sure if he enjoyed the weekend but we did!!  We did a little tour of the town - all I can remember is that it was probably one of the hottest days I can remember!!  A fun weekend...see you this year, guys!!

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