Wednesday 20 April 2011

Rodeo - Lethem, Rupununi, Guyana

yes it's a big weekend for the folks in Lethem, Rupununi - the annual Rodeo is on.  Too bad our visit did not coincide with this event - would have been something.

Bob Marley

I just found this pic in my plethora of pics - and thought I would all who admired him

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Happy Birthday!!

Happy birthday to our friend Vel who celebrated the big one yesterday!!

"always making noise
 just like a baby
 Don't know what to do..."


Thursday 14 April 2011

Camping at Elora

no ballgame on today....sigh...

anyhow, I am reminding myself that it's almost camping time - I like to go at least once a year - this was taken at Elora, Ontario last summer.  It's a fun weekend when you sleep on the hard ground, get bitten by moquitoes, take a shower for a quarter or if you are a slow bather, perhaps 50 cents.  I am normally out of there with change to spare from my first quarter LOL.  Dinner is always something to look forward to as somehow, one's taste buds are sharpened to appreciate the finely seasoned steak on the little propane BBQ. 
At least under the dining tent, we get to sit and enjoy our meal free from bugs and flies...Dogs were welcomed at the camp site and you can see Mitchie sunbathing on his blanket lol.   Not sure if he enjoyed the weekend but we did!!  We did a little tour of the town - all I can remember is that it was probably one of the hottest days I can remember!!  A fun weekend...see you this year, guys!!

Tuesday 12 April 2011

Nice weather eh?

This is how Canadians start a conversation in an elevator or just about anywhere, in the line at Walmart or Metro or Shoppers....gotta love the today it's really nice weather ..high of 10 degrees I believe.  Looks nice and sunny outside.  I have been indoors doing stuff...clearing away junk or what I term "junk"!!  and looking at taxes.  I feel tired and it's only noon lol.  My brain isn't as perky as it was last year when I worked!!  I'm already daydreaming about springcleaning...hmmmmm

Monday 11 April 2011

Arawak dictionary

Look what I discovered...

I didn't even know there was an Eagle Clan  and that there is a title called Fifth Hereditary Paramount Chief!!  I will look into this!!

Saturday 9 April 2011

The Amerindian way by Annette Arjoon-Martins

This a reminder, sort of a bookmark, that on my next trip to Guyana, I would remember to get a copy of this.  I had the opportunity to meet Annette in 2008 when she visited Moruca.   Known as ‘The Mangrove Champion’ or even  ‘Turtle Lady’, she is a very engaging personality who is passionate about all things Amerindian.  Annette Arjoon-Martins is Chairman of the Mangrove Action Committee (MAC) and a nationally and internationally acclaimed conservationist; a successful commercial eco-tourism operator; a mother of two; and a qualified airplane pilot with a refreshingly down-to-earth personality.  In 2000, in keeping with her love for the animals and her obsession with their conservation, she established the Guyana Marine Turtle Conservation Society (GMTCS), subsequently hailed as the first and most successful conservation non-government organization (NGO) established in Guyana.  Her advise to young women is: “We can do anything that our male counterparts can do, and sometimes better. Don’t fall into that glass ceiling syndrome.”

Thursday 7 April 2011

Bunya nest

One of the many birds seen in Moruca, Guyana.  This hanging next belongs to the Bunya bird, a black forest-bird with yellow beak and bright yellow tail.  This bird can exceed 12 inches in length and is known for its long hanging nest.  It has a very loud call which can wake a person up from the deepest sleep early in the morning...very similar to a very loud alarm clock!!

Monday 4 April 2011

Rainy Monday..

for those who work, it's a wet crappy day.   For the rest of us, who cares lol...Actually, the sun is trying to peek out..yayy!!!  On the weekend we went to the Horton Tree Farm Maple festival.  Something to do on a Saturday, the weather was nice and bright but a bit on the chilly side.  A good time was had by all.    I was taking refuge by the boiling kettles where it was toasty warm.  I found me a nice log and sat down to contemplate the forthcoming pancake breakfast, which was delicious!!

Pic is of maple sap dripping out of the tree - there is something about that phrase "slower than molasses"....heheh...the liquid was actually quite clear, looked like water.  We were offered samples to taste, tasted "woodsy"...

This is what the process looked like when it was done in the old days by the Indians - I think the guide said that heated stones were dropped into the syrup.  There is more to the process but unfortunately I missed it, I must have wandered off to warm myself by the kettles lol

I've been on FB browsing but after looking at pictures of familiar names and seeing a caption "Me and my mom" or sometimes, no caption at all, I gave up.  Actually I'm not sure which is the worst sin lol.  Then I am forced (so I'm nosy) to say, who is "me"....only time you're allowed to use this phrase..hehe.... and "who is Mom"...a tad frustrating - there should be a FB law...No caption, no picture!! lol wouldn't that be sweet?    well, off to have some lunch.  I have a busy week ahead with some Doc's appointments...groannnn.

Friday 1 April 2011

Isn't he luverly?

This guy kept on coming closer to inspect us.  His name is Dennis and I hear he is the proverbial old bird, supposedly about 30 years old...who knows?  He wasn't telling lol....he lives at the Presbytery at Santa Rosa, (Moruca, Guyana) and seems to be quite tame.  Very curious though, he was sneaking up behind me and when I turned around, he pretended he was sleeping lol.  I guess he would be a red-bellied macaw but how he got to be the Preacher's pet ,well, he may very well be the Teacher's pet as well, no one can say.  I have to dig into his history on my next visit.  I am sure he will still be there.