Thursday 31 March 2011

Lusaka, Zambia, Africa

I thought I'd go way back - 1974 actually - this is the group of secretaries (or stenographers) who left Guyana for a 3 year contract with the Zambian government.  Yes, I was one of the 30 - we left in groups of 15.  That's me on the extreme right, landing in Lusaka.  Fred Wills was the High Commissioner in those days and had come to the airport to meet us.  I don't think lots of us knew each other then but in the three years we spent in Zambia, we got to know each other fairly well. 
Actually there was a reunion in 2007 (30 year reuion) which I was unable to attend - I think about 16 members of the original group attended - what an amazing reunion that would have been for me!!.
The "Zambian" group of girls have done pretty well for themselves, it seems, and are now scattered between Canada and the U.S.   One member has even written and published her book on the Zambia experience!! I am happy to say I am still in contact with two of the original "Zambian" members!!


  1. This brought back a lot of nostalgia...and you will know why. You must try to go to the next reunion. You were so young and very brave. Of course this post was done by your #1

  2. rut remember that #1 fan from Misery? lol
