Thursday 24 March 2011

Just another snowy day!!

It's almost weekend..for those of you who long for the weekend - Happy Thursday...for me every day is a holiday lol  ...I have been busy catching up on my website - saw my first Blue Jay exhibition game on TV last night - vs the Yankees...we lost!! what's new...anyhow let's be positive this year.

 I have been tweeting madly, still new at it but getting the hang of Tweeting and Retweeting.  I decided to follow "Charlie Sheen" so far he is as sane....or the rest of us!! It's fun - I'm following CP 24 but I get a lot of Tweets per day and then I decided to follow BlueJays and now I get as many as 23 tweets at a of them HAS to go...a girl needs her rest ya know!!

Still cold and snowy - looking at my Guyana pictures helps bring the warmth to my day...when will this madness end??  However, the sun is shining brightly - just looked outside and almost got blinded by all that sun hitting the white snow...geeeshh!   We did some packing of boxes to send to the folks in Moruca, some foodstuff and also some stuff for the Padres and the church.  Not much but hopefully, in some small way, it helps.  Still sorting out my photographs - too bad not everyone has a computer or sending photographs would be so much easier!! oh well, off to Shoppers to get them printed.  Stay tuned!!

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