Thursday 31 March 2011

Lusaka, Zambia, Africa

I thought I'd go way back - 1974 actually - this is the group of secretaries (or stenographers) who left Guyana for a 3 year contract with the Zambian government.  Yes, I was one of the 30 - we left in groups of 15.  That's me on the extreme right, landing in Lusaka.  Fred Wills was the High Commissioner in those days and had come to the airport to meet us.  I don't think lots of us knew each other then but in the three years we spent in Zambia, we got to know each other fairly well. 
Actually there was a reunion in 2007 (30 year reuion) which I was unable to attend - I think about 16 members of the original group attended - what an amazing reunion that would have been for me!!.
The "Zambian" group of girls have done pretty well for themselves, it seems, and are now scattered between Canada and the U.S.   One member has even written and published her book on the Zambia experience!! I am happy to say I am still in contact with two of the original "Zambian" members!!

Rainy day

It's raining today and I'm glad I've not got to go outside....had a chance to see my first baseball game last evening - even though it was only exhibition, the last before the regular season, it reminded of how much I enjoy my baseball.  The lineup is different and I don't recognize too many of the players.   Home opener is tomorrow !! yay!!!!!

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Mariaba Band - Moruca, Guyana

Mariaba Band led by Uncle Basil, as he is popularly known.   He is actually Basil Rodrigues, prolific songwriter, retired Headmaster and Regional Education Officer who was  honoured by Pope John Paul ll for his work in the Church in Guyana’s hinterland. The boys in the band are Left to right: Frank Hernandez (violin), Basil Hernandez (shak-shak), Tony Cornelius (guitar), Nash Francis (banjo, Quatro) and Basil Rodrigues.   Former members were Pedro Francis, father of Nash Francis, who was one of the greatest Shak-Shak men and Vincent Sukhan who played banjo and used to sing in Arawak.

Traditional Dances: efforts are being made to revive these traditional dances. They have significant meaning and were developed as a reaction to important events in the lives of the Amerindians. Many of the dances are performed during special occasions like Mashramani or cultural presentations. A very special event during which many Amerindian dances are performed is the 'Banchieckelly'. This is an Arawak work, describing a happy gathering full of music and dance. Some of the traditional dances are the mari-mari where the dancers dance in rows, moving towards each other and then away from each other. The dance can be done in two different ways. When the dance is danced in the harsh way, it describes the times when Amerindians had to go to war or the rough times they had when they were hunting. When danced in the calm way, it signifies the times they spent in peace. The galarung dance is about the many hawks seen in Moruka. Because of this the dance is also referred to as the hawk dance. According to Amerindian folklore, when hawks are hovering over the village, it was either a good or bad sign, i.e. death or marriage. When dancing the galarung, the dancers dance with their hands out, pretending to be flying. The horropo dance is a joyful dance, celebrating all joyous things in life. The baboon dance is about the red monkey or baboon. In this dance, the dancers scratch their body, mimicking the baboon's actions. In the chain dance, the dancers suggest the making of a chain out of beads as per the Amerindian tradition of women in the olden days. There is the snake dance, where the dancers mimic a snake biting its enemy. In the tengayray dance, the dancers symbolize the roundness of a stingray by dancing in circles. The traditional instruments used in these dances are violin, guitar, banjo and marakas (shak-shak). The violin is the main instrument, though not many people play the violin except for the old master (Uncle Bull) and now Uncle Frank. The guitar accompanies the violin, the banjo keeps the rhythm and the marakas are used to keep a steady beat. Well, that's about it for the dances.

Saturday 26 March 2011

Vacquero in Rupununi

There is a book by Stanley Brock called "All the Cowboys were Indians" and if I had to write a book after my recent Rupununi trip, it would be titled "All the Cowboys rode motorbikes"!!  This is the only vacquero I saw in the few days I spent in Rupununi, oh there were cowboys all right, but they either rode large motorbikes or drove large pick-ups!!   Of course, as far as I'm concerned the ultimate cowboy is still Bob Barker, my brother-in-law.  Even though he no longer competes in the Annual Rodeos at Lethem, he still sits tall(ish) in the saddle..heehee.  He did ask if we wanted him to saddle up a few horses so we could ride, but with my bad knee it would have been a climbing on to the horse LOL.   Shoot, I could barely climb into Trevor's pickup..ok so that's another story lol...

Friday 25 March 2011

Santa Rosa Church, Moruca, Guyana

Santa Rosa, white chapel on a hill - This is the existing church at Santa Rosa, Moruca, an old church filled with history and tradition and badly in need of repair.  Plans to help with repairs are underway but lack of funds is a huge stumbling block.  On our visit to Moruca last month for the Toy Distribution effort, my sister and I held a raffle and managed to raise $15,400 Guyana dollars.  Sounds like a lot but when you convert US$1 = G$200, doesn't work out to be a lot but hey, every bit helps.  Some ex Morucans from Canada are trying to figure out ways to help raise some money for this worthy's only in the baby step stage.  Stay tuned!!

Thursday 24 March 2011

Just another snowy day!!

It's almost weekend..for those of you who long for the weekend - Happy Thursday...for me every day is a holiday lol  ...I have been busy catching up on my website - saw my first Blue Jay exhibition game on TV last night - vs the Yankees...we lost!! what's new...anyhow let's be positive this year.

 I have been tweeting madly, still new at it but getting the hang of Tweeting and Retweeting.  I decided to follow "Charlie Sheen" so far he is as sane....or the rest of us!! It's fun - I'm following CP 24 but I get a lot of Tweets per day and then I decided to follow BlueJays and now I get as many as 23 tweets at a of them HAS to go...a girl needs her rest ya know!!

Still cold and snowy - looking at my Guyana pictures helps bring the warmth to my day...when will this madness end??  However, the sun is shining brightly - just looked outside and almost got blinded by all that sun hitting the white snow...geeeshh!   We did some packing of boxes to send to the folks in Moruca, some foodstuff and also some stuff for the Padres and the church.  Not much but hopefully, in some small way, it helps.  Still sorting out my photographs - too bad not everyone has a computer or sending photographs would be so much easier!! oh well, off to Shoppers to get them printed.  Stay tuned!!

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Opening day

Feels like Spring but doesn't look like's white outside my door.

However, Friday April 1 vs. Minnesota Twins - Blue Jays opening night!!
When the Toronto Blue Jays kick off the 2011 season April 1 against the Minnesota Twins, it will be before a full house. The Blue Jays announced Wednesday they've sold out the Rogers Centre for opening night against the Twins.

Snow again!!

well, the weather man was correct - we have snow...again!! Good thing I haven't put away my winter coat....sad news...screen legend Elizabeth Taylor has died in Los Angeles. She was 79.  R.I.P.

Tuesday 22 March 2011

OMG - not again!!

according to Frank Ferragine of BT Television  "Sunny periods today with highs of 6c..snow arrives overnight, heaviest after 11am tomorrow we could get 2 to 5cm in Toronto"....


woke up so early this morning - first at 2.30 a.m., then 4.40 and I ws so glad to see 5.45 a.m. at which time I jumped out of here I am doing my emails and blogging at this ungodly hour!!  I see some FB friends on, guess I am not alone eh?  Not sure what the temperature is today but I'm betting it's not a balmy 75 degrees, sigh!!  Yesterday, I worked on my website for quite a bit, then went out for some shopping - let's see what today brings....stay tuned!!

Monday 21 March 2011

Happy Naw Ruz!!

Happy Naw Ruz, Bea!!

This tickled me!!

My first job was working in an Orange Juice factory but I got canned.
Couldn't concentrate. After that, I worked in a Shoe Factory, tried hard but just didn't fit in. My last job was working in Starbucks, but had to quit because it was the same old grind.

• SO, I TRIED RETIREMENT ..and found I’m perfect for the job!!!!

yes, I'm working on it!!

I mean, my website....I finally feel some creative juices flowing back into my veins...I'm busy today organizing my pictures and trying to update my website.  Now I have two blogs to update...I'm a sucker for punishment lol.  I hear that if I do Ads on my page, cha-ching!!!!!!! all the way to Bank lol...but let me get the blog up and running first.  The day turned sunny after a grey and rainy start.  Facebook is quiet, everyone must be at work, awww...poor them!!  Well, back to work..stay tuned..

Saturday 19 March 2011

Almost Spring!!

Tomorrow officially Spring will have sprung!! weather is holding out...had a lovely family breakfast at the home of my youngest niece -  was lovely and we had a chance to get together again - very enjoyable do - I'm still "recovering" after that hectic Guyana trip -  I was kinda pooped!!  But I did manage to eke out my Newsletter - have to work on my website next week.  Stay tuned!!

Thursday 17 March 2011

Tuesday 15 March 2011

da danky da bu

I believe this word means Thank You in Arawak, I have been trying to find someone, anyone who could tell me the Arawak words for Thank You or welcome - since I haven't yet found out how to say Welcome, I chose Thank You!!   Thank you for my family and good friends and so far good, though not great, health!!

Just a noob!!

My first attempt at blogging on Blogspot...wish me luck!!