Tuesday 17 May 2011

It's been a while

How time flies...as the old soap opera used to say " like sands through the hour glass..." or some such wise saying.  I have this calendar on my Blog to remind me to Blog daily but obviously it doesn't work lol.  No matter, I have been busy with other stuff - documenting some artwork for my niece in England who does the most amazing embroidery.  I can't say much as she is somewhat "internet " shy - but she has had her embroidery published as a book cover or two and that makes her pretty talented in my eyes.    Anhow, once I convince her to let me put it on the web for all to see, well that would be a major accomplishment for me lol.

It's been rainy and damp all week and part of last weekend - isn't it supposed to be spring ? At this rate, we may well head into winter without seeing summer...yikes!!!

I love the kneeling buses in Toronto - this is so the elderly or disabled can get on or off the bus without difficulty.  Yesterday I was at my doctor's appointment and the location is now in the CNIB building (Canadian Institute for the Blind) - so new location for me and getting on the bus at Davisville, I asked the bus driver if the bus went to the CNIB Building - he peered at me closely and with a twinkle in his bright blue eyes, he said don't worry I'll let you know.  I sat down and after a while he called out "CNIB" and I got up - he lowered the bus for me to get off - guess he assumed I didn't have 20-20 vision!!   He all but got up from his seat to help me down lol.  That was so sweet - makes me glad to live in this fair city.  I didn't have the heart to tell him I was only going to see my endocrinologist!!  Anyhow, when I take the bus around my area, the driver always lowers the bus for me which is great as with my gimpy knee, well Steph you know how that goes!! hahah ...Remember Guyana and the milk crate you guys got for me to stand on to get into Trev's truck ?  LOL oh it's embarassing that dang knee - example, the boat captain at Charity wanted to lift me and walk with me over the rickety stelling into the boat !! yikesss and the guy at the Savannah Inn, Lethem  - remember the chair he brought for me to step on to get into the van ?? LOL    anyhow no more is to be said about that !! lol

Stay tuned....

Thursday 5 May 2011


ok so I've joined the bandwagon - I had my Twitter account ages ago, just never used it.  Recently, since I have some time (after retirement) I decided to activate my account.  So I pulled it out of the drawer, blew the dust off of it and decided to see what the fuss was about.  There are Twitter rules I found out -  there is no law for how many people one can follow but they do monitor for aggressively following and "follow churn".  Follow churn is following and unfollowing a large number of users.  hmmmm aggressively following...this means don't stand too close behind the user lol...
".....In addition, every user can follow 2000 people total. Once you’ve followed 2000 users, there are limits to the number of additional users you can follow: this limit is different for every user and is based on your ratio of followers to following. When you hit this limit, we’ll tell you by showing an error message in your browser. You’ll need to wait until you have more followers in order to follow more users—basically, you can't follow 10,000 people if only 100 people follow you. When you reach a daily or total limit and we show you an error message, you've hit a technical limit imposed to limit egregious behavior by spam accounts and to prevent strain on the site. These are just the technical limits for your account; in addition, you are prohibited from aggressive following behaviors. These behaviors may result in account suspension, regardless of your account's technical ratio."
eeeks...all these rules...oh well since I have only 9 followers and follow 31, I think I am ok seeing that 9 is a long way off from 2000 lol...I will just plod along hopefully not breaking any rules...apparently excessive tweeting is "annoying" and "boring" and so I will try to limit to one tweet a day haha...oh please I practically have to make up stuff to tweet once a day LOL...well maybe I will get in the Twitter groove one day.  I would be just as happy reading the Tweets and not tweeting at all!!
Sometimes when I don't get my Baseball game cos I don't have Sportsnet-1,  I can read the comments on Twitter and the comments are so up-to-date, I feel as if I'm practically looking at the game on TV.  However, nothing is better than watching the game on TV or live for that matter...which reminds me, I am yet to book some Rogers Centre dates...
Stay tuned....

Monday 2 May 2011


In Rochester this past weekend, we visited TGIFriday and they had the most amazing meal which I have to Blog about..lol -their entire menu looked appetizing but unfortunately we only had two days to enjoy their menu!!
So here it is....
Japanese Hibachi Skewers - seasoned and marinated in their signature garlic sauce & black pepper soy sauce, grilled and basted with a wasabi-miso glaze and garnished with sesame seeds.  Served with jasmine rice pilaf, vegetable medley and grilled pita.  Served with either Grilled Chicken or Black Angus Sirloin.