Monday 16 January 2012

Santa Rosa secondary school

Guyana Times - Sunday January 15th, 2012 
Santa Rosa Secondary turns Eighteen
By Indrawattie Natram
Prior to 1994, residents of the North West District village of Moruca had no access to secondary education unless persons left their homeland to pursue this higher level on the Essequibo Coast.
But the persevering efforts of parents and the community of Moruca led to the Jan 3, 1994 establishment of the Santa Rosa Secondary School.
Five pioneering teachers: Victor Ferreira, David James ( now attorney at law), Yolanda Ferreira, Ronda James and Renna Van Doggen ( VSO) worked with the first batch of 14 students who sat CXC ( Caribbean Examination Council) in 1995.
In celebrating eighteen years of existence, major achievements were highlighted and exciting new initiatives were established.
The anniversary celebrations, which were held Jan 6, 2012, saw many outstanding individuals being honoured in academic and extracurricular activities.
In sports, the Heligars – a brother and sister - were recognized for their achievements in swimming. In the 2011 National Athletic Championship, Dominic Heligar, the youngest brother, captured gold at the 50 M breaststroke.
Bara Holder was also recognized for her participation in the Caribbean Teacher's Union Athletic Championship in Trinidad, where she captured a bronze medal in the high jump.
Eighteen persons were awarded and placed in the school’s 2012 Hall of Fame.
The individuals were chosen from among best performers at the CSEC from 1995- 2011.
A previous reporter for Guyana Times , Ruben Stoby, is one of the journalists appearing in the Hall of Fame, while others include teachers, aspiring lawyers, politicians and engineers.
Two Hall of Fame special awardees for academic achievement were Jed Vasconcellos, who achieved an award for most number of grade ones at one sitting ( 6 grade ones, 2 grade twos and 1 grade 3). Nicasie Richards was awarded for the most outstanding performer, with 3 grade ones, 6 grade twos and 1 grade three.
Another of the Richards' was also honoured for a being a graduate teacher.
Nigel Richards, now dis trict education officer for Region One, was recognized as the oldest serving teacher of the school, ( 12 years four months) he was jointly recognized with Marti De Souza, a graduate teacher who also served for same number of years. Sarah De Souza was awarded for being the youngest teacher of the school, and Errol Chapple the oldest.
Speaking to Guyana Times Sunday Magazine , Marti De Souza, who is also a product of the Santa Rosa Secondary School, said he feels happy to teach his fellow brothers and sisters at the school. He said he is very happy that children in the area are being afforded the opportunity to pursue an education within their community.
He however said that his wish is for the school to become a grade A school. He said for the twelve years he served, children are performing excellently at the CSEC examinations, which is affording them scholarships to pursue tertiary education in various countries.
He said students that have attended the school are presently in Cuba studying to become doctors or agriculturalists.
Gylnn De La Cruz, Headmaster of the school, said that he is also happy to serve his fellow Amerindians at the grassroots level. He too confessed that his fervent wish is for the secondary school to become a Grade A institution, pointing out that the school has a population of 738 students, making it a potentially “ super ‘ A’ one”. He stated that over the years, the population has increased, and it is among the largest schools in Guyana.
He said that as the school continues to " blaze its trail", the success stories would no doubt increase as the students and teachers together continue to aim for excellence.
The school's motto is, " Aim for the Top'. The school has a dormitory where children from the far- flung areas are housed to help them also benefit from higher education.
Persons on the Hall of Fame 1995- Paul Atkinson 1996- Nadia Ferreira 1997- Gilbert Rebeiro and Ruben Stoby 1998- Vernon Jaime 1999 Marti De Souza 2000- Natalie Matthews 2001 - Cassandra Rodrigues 2002- Deanna Vieria 2003- Racheal Abraham 2004- Shuriland Viverous 2005- Andrew Marks 2006- Marlyn Harris 2007- Jed Vasconcellos 2008- Sarah Browne 2009- Daniella Da Costa 2010- Nicasie Richards 2011- Marcus Atkinson