Sunday 28 August 2011

The Bush Master (Lachesis muta)

I had to post this as I remember as a child, my father had a scar on his leg and he said he was bitten by a bushmaster...of course he probably embellished his story somewhat, being a good "gaff" man lol...He said this snake could slide through the grass faster than a man could run and was often heard to chase its prey if these hapless people accidentally stumbled across one in Guyana's interior!!


August 9, 2009 | By
The Bush Master (Lachesis muta) is a venomous pit viper species found in South America. Two subspecies are currently recognized, including the nominate subspecies described here.
Adults grow to an average of 2 to 2.5 metres (m), although 3m is not too unusual. The largest recorded specimen was almost 3.65m long, making this the largest of all pit vipers and the longest venomous snake in the western hemisphere.
The head is broad and very distinct from the narrow neck. The snout is broadly rounded. There is no canthus. A pair of small internasals is present, separated by small scales. The supraoculars are narrow. Other parts of the crown are covered with very small scales. Laterally, the second supralabial forms the anterior border of the loreal pit, while the third is very large. The eye is separated from the supralabials by 4-5 rows of small scales.
The body is cylindrical, tapered and moderately stout. Mid-body there are 31-37 nonoblique rows of dorsal scales which are heavily keeled with bulbous tubercles and feebly imbricate. There are 200-230 ventral scales. The tail is short with 32-50 mainly paired subcaudals, followed by 13-17 rows of small spines and a terminal spine.
A bushmaster secluded in its habitat
A bushmaster secluded in its habitat
The colour pattern consists of a yellowish, reddish or grey-brown ground colour, overlaid with a series of dark brown or black dorsal blotches that form lateral inverted triangles of the same colour. The lateral pattern may be precisely or indistinctly defined, normally pale at the centre.
Lachesis is one of the three Fates in Greek mythology and was supposed to assign to man his term of life — something this species is certainly capable of doing. The species is similar in appearance to rattlesnakes and vibrates its tail vigorously when alarmed, but has no rattle and was therefore called mutus (later muta), which is Latin for dumb or mute. However, when in the undergrowth, the tail actually makes quite a loud rustling noise.
Found in South America in the equatorial forests east of the Andes: Colombia, eastern Ecuador, Peru, northern Bolivia, eastern and southern Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana and much of northern Brazil. The species is also found in Trinidad.
They are found in primary and secondary forests; adjacent fields and cleared areas. In Trinidad it tends to prefer hilly and mountainous regions.
Some reports suggest that this species produces a large amount of venom that is weak compared to some other vipers. Others, however, suggest that such conclusions may not be accurate. These animals are badly affected by stress and often do not last long in captivity. This makes it difficult to obtain “good, healthy” venom for study purposes.
For example, Bolaños (1972) observed that venom yield from his specimens fell from 233 mg to 64 mg while they remained in his care. As the stress of being milked regularly has this effect on venom yield, it is reasoned that it may also affect venom toxicity. This may explain the disparity described by Hardy and Haad (1998) of the low laboratory toxicity versus the high mortality rate of bite victims.[11]
The most famous of the vipers in Guyana is the Bushmaster (Lachesis muta). This snake is aptly named in English and particularly in Latin – as the “silent bringer of death.” The bushmaster, known as the surucucu in Brazil, and the shushupe in other countries, is the largest venomous snake in the New World. These snakes can regularly exceed 2,000 millimetres in length (6.5 ft.), and one of the largest recorded was 4,267 mm (14 ft.).
Like the rattlesnake, it has a prominent dorsal ridge, and the head is broad with an upturned snout. The bushmaster is a nocturnal snake, and reported as extremely aggressive, although scientists believe this to be an exaggeration.
(Source – Wikipedia: The Free Online Encyclopedia)

Thursday 11 August 2011

Santa Rosa Church - Moruca, Guyana

it seems this little project is haunting me so here we go again.  I have been corresponding with Fr. Wilian - I was brave enough to tell him to email in Spanish and so between some friends of friends and Google translate have managed to communicate not too bad!!

Bit and pieces are pouring in to help with the renovation but it's only a drop in the bucket - nevertheless we press on - it will get done.  Thanks to all the people who are helping financially.  so far we have:

TO DATE: (August 5, 2011)

Basil & Dolly Rodrigues                             5 bags of cement
Bev Vasconcellos                                      1 bag of cement      
Kay Rodrigues                                          1 bag of cement
Ovid Williams                                            G$50,000 cash
Jean (Regina) Rodrigues)
Stephanie Walls               )                       Cad $450.00 (G$91,410) 
Samantha King                 )                       (equiv 50 bags of cement)                
Margaret Hazlewood Clark                        1 bag of cement.   
(Maggie also contributed to the 2nd Annual Toy Drive for the children of Moruca.  Thank you Maggie.  We appreciate your always willing generosity.)    
Kathleen Joseph                                        US$100.00  (equiv 10 bags of cement) 
Vaulda Maria Rodriguez will be in Moruca later this month and she has a whole agenda set up for fund-raising all by herself.   Well done Vaulda!! - but take some time off to relax and dance a banchikilli  ..ok?

     Father Wilian has asked for help with the renovations of the Santa Rosa Church from the community and the ex-Morucans in any way they can possibly help. Cash donations can easily be sent via Western Union directly to Father Wilian (full name Wilian Montalvo Tello) and he can then go to Charity to collect.  Please note his e-mail address ( as you will have to notify him if you are sending a contribution and you MUST  provide him with the code number from Western Union in order for him to uplift the money.  Also, it sure will be easier for him if you write in Spanish  Father speaks Spanish and is now learning to speak English. .  Fr. Wilian thanks everyone for their contributions. One bag of cement costs approximately Guy $1,800.00 (or $10.00 Canadian) and the only other cost would be the Western Union fee (which varies depending on the amount – could be C$8.00 and up).

     Father has said that the people from Moruca are helping with the sand (and rocks) and various wood that will be used during the reconstruction. Approximately 200 different sizes of wood will be used.   This Tuesday August 9th they will have  the second lot of wood that was purchased at Parika.  Father said he needs 375 bags of cement in total – to date he has 7 bags.   He believes in 2 weeks they will purchase the roofing and the nails.  Father is also asking  for many prayers as the original estimate will not be enough for the entire work as the contractor and his workers will require $20,000 US for the remodelling and reconstruction for the 3 months of work.

     As you can see, we have an uphill battle - hopefully next time I post, I will have some more news.

     Stay tuned..........