Friday 15 August 2014

Santa Rosa, Moruca Presbytery Project -


This year my sister and friends have been working tirelessly on this little project so near and dear to our hearts.  I cannot say enough about the generosity and support we received from everyone - even the babies helped....well, even if they didn't physically help, they surely looked pretty in the picture !!  Our youngest helper was 5 year old Mia, she was the water seller at the garage sale held at Steph's home last month.........thank you Mia :-)

Final count was $1,830.00 raised between a Garage Sale, a BBQ and some people who heard about the Project and donated. 

Please visit our Indiegogo campaign site where we are trying to raise more money for this project.  The rectory is in sad disrepair and there are areas where the priests cannot walk or they will fall through the floor boards as they are so badly eaten up by wood ants. What can I say about Santa Rosa? It is a farming community and the people are poor and struggle to make a living to feed and clothe their families so any help that can be given to this cause is very appreciated. Of course, there will be some help from the diocese, but the parish is expected to raise funds as well, very much as we do here in Toronto. The priests work so hard and the people of the community now have a beautifully renovated church so I would like to contribute something towards the renovation of the presbytery in return.

We have always called the priests' house..a presbytery...but my Canadian friend was unfamiliar with the word and so I shall call it the "rectory" which Canadians are more familiar with!!  The rectory has been around since I was a child and THAT is many moons ago so you can imagine how old the building is !!!
Some pics below of how it looks today.

Thank you once again for your generosity !!

Friday 27 December 2013

Martina affectionately called by all "Aunty Bissy"

Martina Rodrigues – early years
Born at Cabucalli, Santa Rosa, Moruca on November 11th, 1916 – to Georgina and Emmanuel Ferreira – one of six children who lived to adulthood.  She married Eleutherio Esteban Rodrigues at an early age – on 24th July, 1932 -  she was all of 16.

Santa Rosa is a community in the Barima-Waini district of northern  Guyana. It’s population is approximately 10,000.

It is the largest Amerindian village in Guyana. This predominantly Arawak village is located on the Moruca river, 29 km from its mouth. The village is actually a collection of at least ten settlements spread out in the Savannah wetlands along a ten mile stretch of the Moruca River. Santa Rosa is one of the earliest Catholic Missions in Guyana. Its name is in Spanish (in English… Saint Rose).
Martina was the mother of 7 children, two died as babies but of the five remaining children, two live in Guyana with their families and three migrated to Canada where they live with their families.
She was known as Aunty Bissy – she told us once that as a child she was always doing something and was told she was like a busy bee and later became known as Aunty Bissy.
A major contribution to the life of the Amerindians of the Rupununi and Pakaraimas was the establishment and running of a network of primary schools. Teachers for these were largely recruited from the Arawak Amerindian community at Santa Rosa . Fr Bernard MacKenna operating out of Sand Creek was the priest largely responsible for this work among the Wapishana of the Rupununi., while John Quigley worked with the Macushi of the central Rupununi and Wilson-Browne with the Patamona in the Pakaraimas.  Martina was one of the teachers who left Moruca in 1952 to teach in the Rupununi.

On a tribute to her after her death, she was described as a “talented poetess, artist and seamstress who was best known for her contribution to the teaching profession.  She worked among the Caribs at Red Hill, Barama in the late 1940s, at Achawib Village, Rupununi among the Wapisianas in the 1950s and finally to Dora on the Demerara in the 1960s.  Old Santa Rosa folks will remember her witty, jovial and culturally centred letters she wrote in the Catholic Standard.  They were likened to the contributions of the late Sister Theresa.”
The school at Achawib where she was Head Mistress is the village at the most southern tip of Guyana – the nearest village and airstrip was fourteen miles away and Martina made many a trip on her  bicycle once a month, accompanied by one or two schoolboys to lead the way – in order to post her letters and receive her mails, which included a much cherished Reader’s Digest.
She sewed her children’s clothing on her trusty Singer sewing machine.  This model was purchased in 1953 and was very high end at the time as it had a foot pedal instead of one turned by hand.  She proudly had her machine transported from Georgetown all the way to Achawib and up to this day, this machine still exists in working order and is kept by her eldest daughter, Elsa Barker at her ranch in the Rupununi, where she resides with her husband, Bob Barker, who is also a legend in his own way !!

She moved away from her beloved Rupununi to be closer to her children, the younger three were teenagers by then.  She taught at Dora, on the Demerara River in the 1960s.
She eventually retired in the mid 1960s and moved to Georgetown to really be close to her younger children who were schooling in the city at the time.

In 1976 she emigrated to Canada after the death of her husband Stephen in 1975.  She lived in Canada quite independently in her own apartment,  until her death in 1992 even though she made frequent visits back to Guyana.  She diligently sent off boxes and barrels to the family in Moruca and she never forgot her roots as she always visited Santa Rosa where her mother and older sister still lived.   She never forgot to bring some goodie or the other for the elderly and frequently gave away her clothing to someone who admired it or seemed to be in need !!

She loved going to Bingo and every evening she would dress and take the bus to Bingo – even in winter when we might have told her it was too cold and snowy  she dressed in her warmest – including hat, gloves and boots and off she went – who could stop this indomitable force who was fondly known to all as “Aunty Bissy” !!

by: Regina Rodrigues
November 2013